Miami Same Day Gift Delivery
Same-day delivery service is not available at this time in Miami. We apologize for any inconvenience.
33101, 33109, 33111, 33114, 33126, 33125, 33127, 33128, 33129, 33130, 33131, 33132, 33133, 33134, 33135, 33136, 33137, 33138, 33139, 33140, 33142, 33145, 33144, 33146, 33147, 33149, 33150, 33151, 33159, 33222, 33233, 33234, 33238, 33242, 33245, 33255.
Someone must be available to accept delivery at the recipient’s address during the entire delivery window. If the driver is able to access the building and leave the package in a secure location he/she will do so, but if no secure location is available, a door tag will be left on the door and a re-delivery attempt will be made the following business day between 5 and 9 p.m. So we strongly recommend including the recipient’s phone number in the shipping information to facilitate delivery.
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