People who love food are the best kind of people. (This is why you’re our friend!)
And, if you’re like us, you probably also love taking pictures of what you’re eating and sharing it with your friends. You know who you are: Is your Instagram full of #foodporn and #brunch and #burgers and more? Well, we want to see these #MOUTHwatering pictures!
We’re using a new hashtag, #MOUTHwatering, as a place for ALL of us to share the great indie food we’re putting in our Mouths! We want to open up these jars and peek inside. We want to dip our wooden spoons in. We want to create #MOUTHwatering recipes with these interesting, standout products!
Calling all fellow explorers and food adventurers! What makes your Mouth water? We want to see what you’re cooking up, too. Did you make one of our Rice Krispie Treat Hacks at home? Did you go nuts with the jam you ordered and bake some gluten-free thumbprint cookies? Wow, we didn’t even think of that! Share your recipe with us – we’re dying to try it.
Tag your photos with our hashtag (#MOUTHwatering) and you could be reposted on our Instagram page. And stay tuned for #MOUTHwatering contests and giveaways!
New to Mouth? Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.