A few friends decide to join you at the last minute to watch the ball drop. You're hosting next month's book club. The new neighbors insist that you join their holiday open house. Well, are you Party Ready?
Think of this kit of small-batch goodies as your very own party preparedness toolbox.
Need to throw together a great spread without much time to prepare? No worries, because you've got bacon jam (yes) and fruity, savory-sweet Fig and Olive Tapenade, plus sturdy, whole grain and herb Rosemary and Lemon Crackers to spread them on. Thick, buttery medallions of Savory Cheese Coins (made with aged Gruyére and sharp Cheddar cheese, yum) and a bag of crunchy, addictive Spiced Candied Pecans round out all your wildest noshing fantasies.
And serve it all on beautiful cheeseboard, its handle dipped in contrasting white, to show it all off.
Add a bottle or two of wine, some cheese, then kick back and enjoy.