The words “chocolate salami” may split a crowd as fast as “cilantro,” “candy corn” or “Woody Allen.” None seem to foster a middle ground. But whether you’re on the eww, gross side of the room or the mmm, yummy side, we’ve got news for you: the chocolate salami made by Dude, Sweet Chocolate is totally odd and totally delicious.
Porky only in appearance, this log is packed with dates, figs, marzipan, dark chocolate and cacao nibs then dusted with confectioner’s sugar.
Wha’ What?
We’ll write that again, more slowly this time. Dates...figs...marzipan...dark chocolate...cacao nibs...confectioner’s sugar…
It’s rich, chocolate-y, dense, chewy, sweet and slightly bitter. Basically, the things that dessert (or tea time) dreams are made of. No surprise that its creator, Katherine Clapner, was a pastry chef for renowned restaurants and hotels all over the world for decades before going over to the dark (chocolate) side. Dude looks like a super talented lady.
And since the faux saucisson comes all wrapped up in brown butcher paper, sealed off with a sticker just like your neighborhood charcuterie counter might do, it makes a really cool gift.
Display this confectionary sausage with a few slices cut off and serve alongside fruit and some cracker-looking shortbreads – watch bemusement turn to delight. Make the rounds with two fingers’ widths of this Mast Brothers Chocolate-laced whiskey and guests might get downright giddy.
Open mind, open Mouth, happy tummy.