Today is Pi Day! March 14! 3/14! 3.141592653589793238 (etc.)! Or, in math terms, π: that magic mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Yes, we had to look that up on Wikipedia. Because we're not math people, we are PIE people.
Specifically, we are handpie people. You know handpies: pies that you can hold in your hand and eat from your hand. Hand. Pies. (It's not AP geometry, folks.)
Photo by @megpiesnyc
To celebrate Pi Day, we offer you a breakdown of the handpies we're super sweet on: Megpies. Meghan Ritchie (the brilliant woman behind this artisanal small pie revolution) calls these flakey, fruit-filled treats "toaster tarts." We call them mmmMegpies...because they make us say mmm and they're called Megpies. (Again, no calculus PhD required here.)
Blueberry Toaster Tart
Photo by @megpiesnyc
Flaky on the outside, blueberry pie on the inside. Eating this blueberry handpie for breakfast makes us feel like it's summer every morning, even when it's March and the sleet coming down outside says it is decidedly otherwise. But that's okay, 'cause we're having pie for breakfast.
Cinnamon Brown Sugar Toaster Tart
Photo by @megpiesnyc
An actual review of this sweet, spiced, buttery pie from our customer Christine in Minnesota reads: "So delicious, you will hide them." We have some questions about who Christine lives with and why they are stealing her snacks...but also we totally get it. These cinnamon brown sugar pies are worth stealing. Sorry, Christine.
Strawberry Toaster Tart
Photo by @megpiesnyc
Let me take you down...'cause I'm going to...Strawberry Fields...nothing is real...except these strawberry toaster tarts! The pastry is filled with sweet-tart strawberry jam and covered in a thick layer of pretty pink icing. 🎶 Strawberry handpies forever... 🎶
Chocolate Toaster Tart
Photo by @megpiesnyc
The French have pain au chocolat. We have le petit Chocolate Toaster Tart. It's tres chic. It's tres delicieux. It's fabuleux et extraordinaire. Did you get all that? These chocolate-filled pastries are covered in chocolate frosting and totally 100% acceptable to eat first thing in the morning. So take that, Paris.
Mixed Berry Toaster Tart
Photo by @megpiesnyc
Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries...oh my pie, this lil' thing is filled with all the fruits. Does that make it better than plain blueberry or plain strawberry? We would never say, because we love all our pie children equally. This sister is more complex, that's all. She can do advanced level math...she knows what Pi Day is all about.