Admit it: First dates are the worst. What to wear? Where to go? What to say when they ask about what your relationship with your mom is really like?
Well, take a deep breath, because we’re here to answer the most important question of all: What are you going to eat, anyway?
1. White Truffle Pipcorn: For the girl who loves luxury, and whose dad is a dentist. Made from mini-kernels that break up into tiny pieces when popped, you can finally say goodbye to flossing between make out sessions in the movie theater.
2. Sriracha Cheddar Cheesy Puffs: For the guy who is a downright cheese ball, and whose profile picture is of his dog dressed as a bottle of Sriracha for Halloween. Take our word for it – these super fancy hot Cheetos are sure to spice things up. Just don’t wear white.
3. Honey Bourbon Brisket Beef Jerky: For the true gentlemen who, like this jerky, is sweet and tender, with – if you’re lucky – a Southern drawl, to boot.
4. Emoticandy: For the girl that only speaks Emoji and likes to eat her feelings. These sweet little cuties come in all sorts of emotions, so you don’t ever have to use your words. Who needs those, anyway?
5. Salty Sweet Granola: For the guy who wakes up at 5 am to do yoga, and wants your first date to be a hike to see the sunrise. If you’re like us, the only thing that makes that sound like a remotely good time is this granola, but you do you. We’re not here to stand in the way of true love.