We are Mouth. We love food. We love handmade and small-batch. We love food made by people not companies. Indie Food.
We love discovering the new and the delicious. We love tasting things on little wooden spoons. We can’t help but love beautiful packaging. We love our passionate, risk-taking food makers. We love our customers. We admit that we love shopping online for ourselves and for people we love or like a lot. We love that our table is piled high with goodies we’re tasting, debating And hoping you’ll love too.
What's indie food?
Think of indie music and indie film. Our products, like your favorite small bands or films, offer an alternative experience to the big and mass produced. Indie food is not only delicious, but must be created from start to finish with a high level of personal attention, craft and passion.
How do we choose our products?
We spend hours here at Mouth learning about interesting food makers and hunting down new products to bring in. We consider ourselves editors. We filter what's out there for you and only choose what we love.
Ideally, everything is handmade. Some, like bottled beverages, can't be made in scale this way, but they started out as homemade concoctions and retain the hand of the maker.
We are proud that almost all our products are crafted here in the United States. Some do need to use ingredients from afar since not everything can be sourced domestically (such as coffee and chocolate); but we strive for companies using fair trade and organic ingredients.
Ideally, our indie foods are produced in a way that is respectful of the planet. And respectful of your body. This doesn't mean everything we sell is healthy (um, yes, we like candy, too!). You can make your own decisions. But you can trust that our treats won't be filled with chemical sweeteners, coloring, preservatives, or unhealthy fats.
And while we never would reject something that is outrageously tasty because we didn't like the packaging, we do have to admit we appreciate good design and the care that's paid to how a product is presented.
Mouth exists to feed you, our hungry customer, and to help indie food companies thrive.